diversity + inclusion

strength lies in differences

Inclusivity, accessibility, and diversity are now the hallmark of modern user experience, with its design revolving around the emotions, attitudes, and thoughts of the target audience. If we were going to create a site specifically for D&I, we needed the site to compliment that sentiment.

One of the dominant challenges was to recognize indirect design bias that creates exclusion. More interactions under different situations and environments come with visible impairments and limitations for users.

There is clearly an opportunity to have a location for D+I candidates to come and search for specific jobs, find companies that showcase Diversity and read articles about inclusive organizations and how it benefits them.

untapped skills

We had to consider different ages, genders, languages, skills, and cultures during the design process. An inclusive design revolves around diversity and encompasses different perspectives of people.

Diversity and inclusion must also go into your UX - accessibility and diversity ensures the usability of products by everyone. An inclusive UX design combines different perspectives to meet diverse user experiences. Think of it as a methodology that centers on learning experiences with different opinions.

The truth is that when you design a product or service, you have to take into account different perspectives and people’s abilities to render the desired effect. The concept of this site was to not overwhelm the user but to make them feel like we were listening to them. By including our free report, we came across as trusted ally and delivered on our promise to find them the right fit.

Example of Diversity and Inclusion page..